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Jesus and the Table

Take a second to imagine the most important person in your life. If they had been far off or absent for some time, and each day and night, you had watched and waited for them to come home… how would that day feel when they finally returned?

This is the way the Father feels for you. He is filled with compassion, and he waits for every one of his children to come over the horizon after they’ve been far off. He doesn’t wait with crossed arms or a hard stance. Like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, he races to meet us, to wrap us in the embrace of grace and joy, and to throw us a celebratory feast.

The table of Jesus waits with an open spot, reserved for the redeemed runaways God calls his sons and daughters. It’s a homecoming party, and we’re all invited to the feast.

So, come home. There is a seat at the table.

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