“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
1 Chronicles 29:14
Generosity has the power to change lives—both yours and the people it reaches. We give because God first gave to us, and we recognize that everything we have is His. However big or small, giving to God is worship.
Our money may go to places we can never go and to people we may never meet, and it’s one way we can join with God in the work He is doing to change eternities, both near and far.
Thank you for your faithful generosity that allows us to see life-changing ministry happen through The Bridge every single day.
Online giving is truly the easiest and best way to give at The Bridge Church. Using this safe and secure portal, you can send one-time gifts or set up recurring giving using your checking account, credit card, or debit card.
Make checks payable to “The Bridge Church” and drop it in the mail.
The Bridge Church
3005 Parkfield Loop S.
Spring Hill, TN 37174
Giving stock is the most tax-efficient way to give, and our partnership with Engiven makes it easy for you.
Automating your giving is one of the easiest ways you can make generosity a habit, and it helps us to prepare and plan for future opportunities to make a difference with your gifts.
Use your smartphone to conveniently give through our mobile app. Just download The Bridge Church app and you’re on your way!
Give crypto-currency, such as Bitcoin, quickly and easily through our partners at Engiven.
For questions about securities, real estate, planned giving, or other gifts, contact us at finance@bridge.tv.
We intentionally budget for margin, so that we can seize opportunities and be prepared for crisis.
To model a tithe to our church members, we give at least 10% of our resources to missions.
In addition to regular external financial audits, our elders serve as a team of functional trustees, providing an additional layer of financial accountability to all Bridge finances.
Our Finance Team comprised of non-staff leaders provides day-to-day visibility into every level of our finances, and a full annual budget report is made available to the church body.
The Bible talks a lot about the subject of money. In fact, 11 of the 39 parables of Jesus address the subject of finances and generosity. We also know that money is the kind of thing that touches every area of our life—our relationships, our mental health and well-being, as well as our ability to give and serve. So here’s what we want to do to bless you. Through a partnership with Ramsey Solutions, we are gifting everyone at The Bridge with a free membership to Ramsey+. What does that mean? You’re about to have full access to some of the best money tools and content that will help you pay off debt, save, learn how to invest, and become outrageously generous.