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Throughout Scripture, Jesus teaches a lot about the subject of money—particularly generosity. Lives can be transformed by and through generosity, and that's why learning biblical principles of finances and stewardship is an important part of our journey to become more like Christ.


So, we're partnering with Ramsey Solutions to bless you with a free membership to Ramsey+. What does that mean? You’re about to have full access to the best money tools and content that will help you pay off debt, save, learn how to invest, and become outrageously generous. 



We’re making this investment because we know money affects every aspect of our lives—our relationships, our mental health and well-being, and our ability to give. We want everyone to feel equipped and empowered to take control of their money. 


Your Ramsey+ membership will give you everything you need to get ahead with money, including:


  • Financial Peace University, a course that will help you learn the best way to pay off debt, invest, and so much more.

  • the EveryDollar app, an amazing budgeting tool that helps you stay on track easily.

  • and the BabySteps app, a tool to help you track where you're at with your finances and always know your next step.



Check out some inspiring stories of Bridgers who have used Ramsey+ to transform their finances.

The Rolfson Family

15 years ago, we went through FPU [Financial Peace University], we weren’t budgeting, and our stress and communication on money was horrible. Since then, we’ve become debt-free and paid off $52,000 of debt, have a fully-funded emergency fund, and investing and giving way more than we ever thought possible. We’re in the process of building our dream home and beyond grateful for God's principles of handling money to make this possible. Also, our kids are debt-free and this has changed our family tree! It’ll change your life, like it did ours!


The Glesne Family

Dave Ramsey helped change our lives. We’re debt-free and truly building wealth for the first time in our marriage. The principles, plan, and resources found in Ramsey+ have given us a peace we didn’t know possible, and we’re so grateful for the tremendous impact they’ve made on our family and our future.

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