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Writer's picturePastor Ian Simkins

Year End Offering

Updated: Nov 19, 2021

Hey Bridge family,

A few weeks ago, we were looking at a couple of statistics that blew me away—

  • 162 people going through Open House in just two months.

  • 1 million Bridge Worship streams.

  • Celebrating 20 adoptions in the lifetime of No More Fatherless.

  • Over a thousand Bridge Online viewers every week.

  • And my personal favorite… 77 people giving their life to Jesus and being baptized right here at The Bridge!

There is no question that God is at work, and if that’s any indicator of how He’s going to move in 2022, we’re in for an exciting ride. But I also believe that He’s been doing things that stats could never fully encompass, and that’s what I want to share with you.

Over the last two years, (one since my family moved here to Middle Tennessee and one while we were watching what God was doing at The Bridge from afar), there has been an undeniable draw of people coming to the area that fit two specific demographics—families of kids and students, and young adults—all hungry for authentic Gospel community.

Just this last month, we had a small gathering kick-off our new Young Adults ministry, called The Garden, that will officially launch on January 12th. And here’s how I know God’s up to something in the next generation—almost 70 young adults showed up to worship in the lobby of our Spring Hill location with no more a word-of-mouth invitation.

What’s more, our Bridge Kids environments across both locations are surpassing 350 kids every Sunday, and our Bridge Students are on fire for the Gospel and their community more than ever.

With all that said, we’re heading into the season of our Year End Offering, and every year (I’m told), Bridge fam, you have shown up and gone above and beyond with your generosity. This doesn’t surprise me in the least, because I fully believe we have one of the most generous churches out there, and as we dive into this next season of our church’s life, we want to partner with God in what He is already doing among us.

This year, our Year End Offering is going 100% to further build, resource, and innovate our ministries reaching the next generation. Our hope through Year End Offering is to accomplish three things:

  1. To launch a Young Adults ministry in January 2022, and in addition that, we hope to upgrade our equipment and technology that will help us reach and influence the “digital generation”

  2. To ramp up staffing in our Bridge Kids and Bridge Students ministries, as well as launch our Young Adults ministry in January

  3. To update and create more building environments for next generation ministries to connect in both Spring Hill and Columbia

The reason that I’m so excited about this is because I know that the kids, students, and young adults in our church (and those who aren’t) will be the future of the Jesus-exalting, life-changing ministry we see today. Kids and teenagers will develop callings to be future leaders of the church in the coming years, and there are young adults realizing that calling right now as I write this.

There is more than just a responsibility to invest in those to come after us—there’s an opportunity. Whether you are 9 or 90, there is a generation to come after us, so we all have a difference to make and we want you to be a part of this with us.

Here, we say “vision requires provision”, and as we head into Year End Offering, I want to ask you as your pastor to begin praying: “God, what would you have me give?” Then, follow in joyful response, because your generosity goes further than you can imagine when you give to make a Kingdom impact.

For the next several weeks leading up to our Year End Offering on December 12th, we’ll be sharing more information about this initiative, but I hope that you’ll begin praying with us now. We want to go where God is already leading, and we want to go as one family, leaving a legacy of faithfulness for generations to come.

I can’t wait to share more with you, but before that, I want to say thank you—for praying faithfully and giving sacrificially, knowing that God is at work among us. I am so grateful for each of you and so excited to be on mission with.

Pastor Ian

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